
Malt Shoppe | Utah Food Photographer

I took these photos for one of my classes last month.  The Malt Shoppe is a fun little diner in Provo. 
I love their jukebox! Plus their shakes are sooo delicious. 


Anita | Utah Portrait Photographer

This is my mother-in-law, Anita. Along with 3 of her 8 horses, Wyatt, Smartie and Coffee.
How great does she look in her reining champion outfit? She's won tons of competitions with all of her beautiful horses. 
I mean, her outfit alone should win some big points, right? 

Do you know what the sad thing is though? I have still NEVER been horseback riding.
You'd think with a mother-in-law like Anita, I'd be going every week. 
I guess I just haven't found the time - so hopefully sometime in my life I will find the time to go horseback riding. 


Jordan | Utah Portrait Photographer

This gorgeous girl just left on an LDS mission! 
I was lucky enough to take some photos of her just before she cut off all of her beautiful hair. 
I've been a little jealous of her golden locks since I was about 16....
So I've been growing my hair out since then, and it still doesn't look as pretty as hers. 
Oh well, maybe by the time she's home from her mission, my hair will be longer than hers! 
A girl can dream, right? 


Kauai, Hawaii

I'm really missing warm sunny weather right now, so here's a few photos from a trip to Kauai back in August. If you are ever wondering what Hawaiian Island you should go to...go to Kauai. It is by far the most beautiful island and the least touristy.